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End the year on a high note!

We need to end the year on a high note by going inward and taking some time to complete and then contemplate. Only then can we quietly plan our 2017, our best year ever! We are laying low the month of December, after publishing two books in English and Spanish, building four websites, visiting over 75 cities and meeting thousands ...

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Grateful for BAD!

It’s easy to be grateful when things go our way, when good things happen to good people. But what about when things go bad? How are we supposed to feel when bad things happen to good people? What happens when you are literally dying for the year to end, just so that you can press the restart button on a ...

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Don't Listen to the Noise: Instead Find Your Voice!

As 2016 starts to wind down, I invite us all to calmly take stock of how we can do better both as individuals and as a community, in spite of the commotion we see around us. There’s no question that as Latinas, we have tremendous power in this country—more and more each day. So we have to ask ourselves: with ...

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Becoming SELF MADE is the New Ticking Clock

You know I say “becoming SELF MADE is the new ticking clock” because there is no true empowerment until you have your own money. Life is uncertain, which is why owning our financial destinies has never mattered more. When we have our own money and our own businesses, not only do we get out of survival mode, but we also ...

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When We Fall, We Get Back on the Horse!

I always say I’ve had to make fear and failure my best friends. Today is one of those days that I have to practice what I preach. It’s so hard to see the person who was about to be the first woman President of the United States and break the glass ceiling for all of us, actually lose the election. ...

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If there was ever a day to play our part, TOMORROW IS IT! Never before has our voice mattered more—as women and Latinas. For the first time in history, we are at the front and center of a potentially massive shift in the very fabric of this country, a nation built largely on the power of the immigrant. While we ...

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Happy Thanksgiving Month: A Special Gift to You From Me!

It has been such an incredible privilege to have met so many of you this year. I’ve had so many women come up to me and say that they have not only read my book, SELF MADE, but that they have read it as part of a book club; or read it with colleagues at work, or given it to ...

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Our #1 Forces: Voting & Purchasing Power!

With such little time left until the election, let’s all take a moment to remember that two of the most impactful forces of influence that we all have are our purchasing and voting power. When we, en masse, tap into what we can really accomplish with those two actions, we embrace the notion that we can really make anything happen. ...

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Owning a Franchise as a Key to Family Success – TUNE IN TODAY!

It’s one thing to become a self-made woman–but for us Latinas, it’s even better if we can also LAUNCH OUR FAMILY TOWARDS SELF-RELIANCE!

In just a few hours we’ll bring you our next FREE WEBINAR, “Franchising as a Family Business,” featuring Nicole Enearu, an African American entrepreneur with an incredible story of how her mother started with nothing and went to ...

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Owning a Franchise is a Financial Game-Changer – TUNE IN TOMORROW!

If you’re looking for a way to successfully KICKSTART YOUR FINANCIAL DESTINY, this is your lucky week!

There’s just one more day to register for our next FREE WEBINAR, “Franchising as a Family Business,” featuring Nicole Enearu, an African American entrepreneur who owns 13 McDonald’s franchises, and who tomorrow will share her inspiring story of how her mom started with nothing ...

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To be Chosen, Choose Yourself First!