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It's in the Bag!

Sometimes, when we are working on something, we get to the point where we think, “It’s in the bag. We‘ve got it. It will finally be ours”, and then the rug gets pulled from under us, and we feel as though we have failed. Like the joke is on us.

But I find that sometimes when we win, we lose, and ...

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Contemplate while we celebrate

A day to contemplate while we celebrate!

What are the 10 things you are grateful for this year?

What are the 10 things you accomplished this year? (big and small)

What are the 3 things you are still struggling with?

What are the 3 things you want to complete next year – 2016?

Ask your mate and your kids these questions. It’s a great way ...

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You can't fake real

I want to talk to you about Wanderlust, that feeling we get when we feel like wandering, like being some place other than where we are, doing what we are doing. It is when we feel that there is someone, some experience, some job, something better out there than our current situation. Wanderlust is the first cousin of FOMO (fear ...

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How do we prepare ourselves from things beyond our control?

How do we prepare ourselves for things beyond our control?

There are so many things that can happen in our lives that are unexpected, that are out of our hands, and that make us feel vulnerable and afraid. Understandably, we get down, feel victimized and we must mourn. However, so much of life is in our hands. We can choose to ...

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Getting the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) blues?

I hope you had a great Halloween holiday and Dia de los Muertos weekend. I had some drama at home. My son had to miss a party this weekend because we asked him not to go and he got the FOMO (fear of missing out) blues. I feel for him, as he is a teenager and it’s a challenging time.

I ...

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Let's blow away the competition!!!

Sometimes we get tired. We work so hard and yet our timing is off and it seems like we are not getting the results we expected. We start settling for second, third, fourth place, or no place at all. Sometimes we allow that victimized voice in our head to tell us we can’t do it, that we are not enough. ...

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Pope Francis – Demanding Respect

Sometimes we get down. We see so many injustices in the world and in our own lives, that it is hard to keep hope alive in us. But, then things change. Often when we take little steps to help ourselves, little miracles show up. The universe helps you when you help yourself.

I have often questioned injustices in this country and ...

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What's in a name?

Welcome to Hispanic Heritage Month. I am always so proud to be Latina, but this year I want to scream it from the hilltops.

Today is a day to think about where we come from and about all the people who came before us, like our grandparents and great grandparents, who sacrificed and struggled so we can be here today. I ...

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Cleaning Out Your Closet

I have been cleaning out my closet.

As many of you know, I have lost weight and my closet was brimming with multiple sizes of clothes from the many phases of my life. So I decided it was time to clean it out.

It has turned out to be a multiple weekend endeavor with many lessons and memories along the way. I ...

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Be the first Adelante Latina on a reality show

It is the end of the summer and I am so proud of all of you for attending Summer School with me. I loved chatting with all of you last week, and and I was happy to announce that:

“The Adelante Movement is committed to getting at least one of our Adelante women on a reality show, promoting her brand and ...

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Don’t buy Shoes, buy Buildings!