
Boys & Girls Club of America National Convention

Nely Galan will be the keynote speaker at the Boys & Girls Club of America National Conference 2019 followed by a book signing at the book store

Friday, May 3, 2019 | Marriott Marquis Houston | 1777 Walker Street | Houston, TX 77010

Private event for members of the Boys & Girls Club of America. Those who Register below will receive a free copy of Nely Galan's NYT Bestselling book, SELF MADE. Those who register can pick up their free book at The Adelante Movement booth anytime from 10am - 5pm on May 1st and 2nd near the Exhibit Hall.

“Here is my wish for you: I want you to live a rich life in every way. Rich in money, rich in family, rich in love, rich in time – abundant! It’s not just about having money, but financial empowerment is where it begins. You are embarking upon a journey, a quest that is about choosing yourself, changing your view of what’s possible, achieving your dreams, and then passing the torch to your family and your community. Becoming Self Made is about having a dream, and the desire and discipline to work toward that dream. So come – let’s begin. The revolution starts inside of you. Now. Here. Go. Adelante!”

Nely Galán

Registration on this event is now closed


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