
Past Events

Daily Coffee with Krista Parkinson featuring Nely Galan 2020

Venice, CA | June 23, 2020
Nely chats with Krista Parkinson and others that want to work in the entertainment industry about the do's and don'ts of the industry.

LA Chamber- Small Business Strong 06/19/2020

Venice, CA | June 19, 2020
Nely discusses what small businesses can do to make it through the COVID-19 pandemic.

GoBiz COVID-19 Rapid Response Session Webinar 06/19/2020

Venice, CA | June 19, 2020
Nely is part of the GoBiz Webinar series aimed at helping Californians stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic.

LA Chamber of Commerce-Small Business Strong Webinar 2020

Venice, CA | June 12, 2020
Nely advises and moderates on the Small Business Strong Webinar. She will be answering questions regarding the PPP and EIDL applications.

HSF Entrepreneurship Conference- Webinar 2020

Venice, CA | June 10, 2020
Nely speaks at the HSF Entrepreneurship Conference Webinar, where she addresses scholarship recipients about the importance of being entrepreneurial, no matter what field you go into.

Portfolia Leadership Conference Panel: Women Leaders Driving Change, Advancing Women of Color in Challenging Times 2020

Venice, CA | June 9, 2020
Nely Galan joins Bernadette Aulestia, Yvette Butler, and Lorine Pendleton on a Leadership panel to uplift and advance Multicultural women in business.

GoBIZ Sesion de Ayuda Urgente de Covid-19 La Reapertura: Navegando la Orientacion es Total y Local para que los Clientes Regresen Seguramente Spanish Webinar- 06/05/2020

Venice, CA | June 5, 2020
The Small Business Task Force has created a series of Spanish webinars to help small businesses during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Nely Galan is a part of this task force, and advises businesses owners on how to get the resources needed to help their business.

LA Chamber Spanish Webinar: Preguntale a Los Expertos- 06/03/2020

Venice, CA | June 3, 2020
Nely joins Small Business Majority to answer small business-owner's questions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, in Spanish.

NBC LA- Corona Kindness with Alysha Del Valle 2020

Venice, CA | May 28, 2020
Nely and Alysha speak about The Adelante Movement's FREE Webinar Series to help small business owners, and Entrepreneurs in need.

AEO National Conference- The Female Paradox 2020

Venice, CA | May 24, 2020
Nely and other experts examine the great achievement of women entrepreneurs against the challenges they continue to face as women entrepreneurs, women business owners of color, and amidst the array of gender inequities.


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