
Past Events

PODERPAC Conference 2012

Washington, DC | June 18, 2012
Nely Galan will be the keynote speaker of the Wrap-Up Luncheon.

G.E. Forum 2012

Washington, DC | June 4, 2012
Nely speaks to the employees of G.E. to empower them to become Self Made.

Little Pink Book- Spring Intro Ownership 2012

Atlanta, GA | May 30, 2012
Nely Galan will be a panelist at the Little Pink Book Spring Intro Ownership Event.

Junior Achievement 2012

Los Angeles, CA | April 27, 2012
Nely speaks at Junior Achievement SoCal division. The message she spreads is that both the students and educators must live on a path of financial independence.

Adelante Tour: Pottery Barn 2012

Santa Monica, CA | April 26 - June 6, 2020
Nely takes the Adelante Tour to the Pottery Barn on Santa Monica.

Hispanicize 2012

Miami, FL | April 12, 2012
Nely will be awarded the Latinavator Award.

Zodiak Company Retreat 2012

Santa Monica, CA | March 9, 2012
Nely speaks about strengthening the multicultural women at the Zodiak Company retreat.

Adelante Tour Santa Monica 2011

Santa Monica, CA | December 3, 2011
The Adelante Movement holds an event in Santa Monica, for multicultural women.

Verizon Latina Awards 2011

Long Beach, CA | October 13, 2011
Nely speaks about entrepreneurship at the Verizon Latina Awards.

American Express Latina Leadership Summit 2009

New York City, NY | November 5, 2009
Nely Galan, the keynote speaker at Amex, speaks about breaking the glass ceiling, and strengthening the Latinas in leadership roles.


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