
Past Events

YouTube Conference 2013

San Bruno, CA | September 11, 2013
Nely speaks at YouTube regarding the importance of a Self Made mindset.

Festival People en Español 2013

San Antonio, TX | August 31, 2013
Nely addresses the Latina community about their role in leading the way to the economic prosperity of their families and communities.

National Hispanic University: Hispanic in a Multicultural Context 2013

San Jose, CA | August 5, 2013
Nely is the guest lecturer at the National Hispanic University for Business 380: Hispanic Marketing in a Multicultural Context, taught by Professor Korzenny.

Primer Encuentro Mexico-Estados Unidos para el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres Mexicanas

Mexico City, Mexico | July 16, 2013
Nely travels to Mexico to speak at the first Economic Empowerment meeting for Mexican Women.

The View

New York City, NY | July 11, 2013
Nely appears on the View Talk Show to talk about economic independence.

Count Me In- Urban Rebound 2013

Los Angeles, CA | June 25, 2013
Nely Galan will be speaking alongside Nell Merlino and Angela Chee.

Silicon Beach Fest 2013

Santa Monica, CA | June 21, 2013
Nely speaks to the multicultural women about their self-worth, and how to use it to build themselves and their company.

Coca-Cola VIVA 2013

Atlanta, GA | June 12, 2013
Nely speaks at Coca-Cola.

KIN Global Summit 2013

Evanston, IL | May 29 - May 31, 2013
Nely is a keynote speaker at Kin Global 2013.

NEW Create Conference: Creating Magical Moments and Financial Abundance 2013

Pasadena, CA | May 18, 2013
Nely attends and speaks at the Create Conference where families have come to a Money Camp to learn about financial responsibility and independence.


To be Chosen, Choose Yourself First!