
Past Events

Hispanicize 2015

Miami, FL | March 18 - March 20, 2015
Nely Galan will speak on Happiness & Women's Empowerment during the Coca-Cola Session.

Clinton Foundation- No Ceilings 2015

New York, NY | March 9, 2015
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton, and Gates Foundation Co-Chair Melinda Gates are launching the No Ceilings Full Participation Report. The report analyzes the gains women and girls have made in the 20 years since the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, and the gaps to full participation that still remain on a global scale. The Adelante Movement Founder, Nely Galan will be among the featured speakers at this event.

United Nations International Women’s Day Forum 2015

New York, NY | March 5, 2015
2015 Annual International Women's Day Forum - "The Empowerment Bridge: Building a Lifetime Opportunity for Women and Girls". Nely will focus on key themes related to women’s empowerment, including: investing in women’s health, empowering women in the global economy, the sustainability development goals related to women and more.

12th Annual Promotoras and Community Health Worker Conference 2014

Los Angeles, CA | December 5, 2014
Nely Galan will be the keynote speaker at the 12th Annual Promotoras and Community Health Worker Conference 2014. The theme is "The essence of the promoter in the new Millennium".

Lawndale High School 2014

Lawndale, CA | November 10, 2014
Nely speaks at Lawndale High School in Lawndale, CA.

Walden University Entrepreneurship Webinar 2014

Minneapolis, MN | November 6, 2014
The webinar, sponsored by Walden’s School of Management and The Adelante Movement, a grassroots initiative that empowers Latinas financially and entrepreneurially in the U.S., will provide tips and best practices for starting and growing a business in today’s marketplace.

NAHREP National Convention & Latin Music Festival 2014

Los Angeles, CA | October 13, 2014
Nely Galan returns to the stage and brings with her special Adelante Movement guest, Charo. Known as one of the most successful real estate investors in Beverly Hills, Charo shares the secrets to her financial success, which includes her savvy investments in real estate.

Surefire Girls Conference 2014

Santa Monica, CA | October 11, 2014
Nely empowers the female youth to be anything they want to be as they grow older.

HSF Gala 2014

New York City, NY | October 8, 2014
Nely introduces Frank Ros, the newest Honorary Inductee

Hollywood West 2014

Westwood, CA | September 21, 2014
Nely gives advice for those who are in the entertainment industry.


To be Chosen, Choose Yourself First!