
Past Events

Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Women’s Business Leadership Conference 2015

West Valley City, UT | October 20, 2015
At the Utah Hispanic Chamber, Nely speaks about the value technology, and an immigrant mindset has on becoming Self Made.

NSHMBA Conference and Career Expo 2015

Chicago, IL | October 10, 2015
Nely advises the Hispanic professionals of NSHMBA on tips to become Self Made as they are job hunting.

CHCI 38th Annual Gala 2015

Washingotn, DC | October 8, 2015
Nely will speak at the 38th Annual CHCHI Gala, where President Obama will also be speaking.

WFF Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2015

Atlanta, GA | October 7, 2015
Nely is the keynote speaker at the WFF Entrepreneurship Bootcamp.

JP Morgan Chase Hispanic Symposia 2015

Los Angeles, CA | September 30, 2015
Nely engages with the Hispanic Clients of JP Morgan Chase on the dominance the Hispanic Community has in the US economy.

Latina Empowerment Day- New Gen 2015

Denver, CO | September 24, 2015
Nely addresses the latina community of New Gen why it is important to find your voice and be heard.

USHCC National Convention 2015

Houston, TX | September 22 - May 9, 2020
Nely is a Keynote at the USHCC National Convention.

Celebrando Latinas 2015

San Diego, AL | August 29, 2015
Nely teaches the Latina community to use their immigrant mindset to live a financially independent life.

USC Latino Alumni Association 2015

Los Angeles, CA | August 22, 2015
Nely addresses the Latino Alumni of USC

PowHERful New York Summit 2015

New York City, AL | July 18, 2015
Nely is the morning Keynote, speaking on creating your own story


To be Chosen, Choose Yourself First!