You Don’t Have to Start from Scratch to Become Self Made
After what can only be called an exciting but challenging year for all of us, I’m thrilled to be able to wrap it all up with an incredible spread in the current issue of People magazine <> ! Of course I feel proud of the coverage—but even prouder of the fact that they helped spread the message of the book SELF MADE <> , which is a testament to what we have all been saying: that entrepreneurship for women, and especially multicultural women, is unquestionably on the rise!
As we move into a new year, I want to say that there is no shame in saying that you have no idea how to become self-made. Some of us may have a clear vision of our goals and missions, but for others the road is not always so obvious. But luckily, there are countless ways to create a self-made mindset. The bottom line is that making money while you sleep does not mean you have to create a business, and becoming self-made does not mean you have to start from scratch.
Franchising, for example, is one of the easiest ways to kickstart a path of financial self-reliance. Learn all the tips and tricks on how it’s done from franchising pro, Nicole Enearu, who owns not one, but 13 franchises along with her mother and sister! Click here <> to register for our free and on-demand webinar, “Franchising as a Family Business” along with five of our other incredible webinars.
Happy Holidays!