You can't fake real
I want to talk to you about Wanderlust, that feeling we get when we feel like wandering, like being some place other than where we are, doing what we are doing. It is when we feel that there is someone, some experience, some job, something better out there than our current situation. Wanderlust is the first cousin of FOMO (fear of missing out). Yet, the truth is, where we are planted today is where we need to be. Sacrificing, doing the work, climbing the mountain, sometimes with no light at the end of the tunnel in sight; this is where we need to be in order to create something that eventually others will talk about.
Lately, I have been reminded that there is no better path than the present. I have experienced the magic of the great works of others, which took years for them to live and years to create, and it was worth it.
NAHREP (National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals) is presenting a one-man show called, 53 Million & One. It’s an incredibly inspirational show about the real story of Jerry Ascencio, an immigrant from Mexico who came to the U.S. and found the American Dream through real estate (yes, real estate), with many twists and turns along the way. This show will make you laugh, sing, cry, and rejoice that you are Latino/Latina in the U.S., and that you too can have abundance and wealth and still be a good person who helps their family. I cannot believe that Gary Acosta, Armando Tam, Anthony Bollota, and Jerry Ascencio took a real estate organization and created a play that tells their story better than any speech at any convention. Bravo!!! (Don’t miss it while it’s on tour and bring your kids)
Click here for tour information on “53 Million & One”
In July, I wrote about the Broadway show, Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s masterful rap musical about the Founding Fathers of America, led economically by an immigrant, Alexander Hamilton (the man on our $10 bill). Hamilton was Lin-Manuel’s focus for 6 years. He created a play so well crafted, so deep, so profound that it has just won him The MacArthur Genius Award.
Click here for more information on “Hamilton”
Then there is Gloria and Emilio Estefan. They have accomplished so much, and they could have rested on their laurels, but instead they have created a Broadway musical, On Your Feet!, about their lives and their struggles. It makes you never want to give up.
Click here for more information on “On Your Feet”
With these three works, I have laughed, danced, sung, and cried. I see that you can really follow your bliss, stay the course, walk the walk of what you preach, and as Gloria Estefan said, “You can’t fake real”.
The common denominators of all three works are: gratitude and love for this country and the opportunities we have all been awarded, perseverance, taking steps every day to accomplish goals and get their projects made; the love of being Latino, our food, our culture, our values and our spirit, and the authenticity of people who are real!
So my ladies, next time you are feeling Wanderlust, swaying and wandering from your mission, wondering where else you should be, write your story. Make something happen, start your business, and create a life worth talking about!